With Just 2 more hours left for the AIPGMEE 2014 Registration , The million dollar questions running in the minds of all PG Aspirants
1. Which is the best date to take exams ?
Chose your most convenient and confident date . Never get influenced by anyone . It has to be your decision and for sure your decision and the confidence with which you take your decision will yield you better results . No one knew which is a easier session and which is a tougher session . It hardly matter when you book your slot.
You should know that your performance is evaluated on the performance of your entire slot. This means that if most of the people in your slot find the paper easy, your score might fall due to normalization.On the other hand, if most of the people in your batch find it tough, your scores might rise due to normalization. Do not think that selecting the best slot will get you 99.9xx percentile with a below average preparation. So Your Knowledge level is the single most important factor
Now lets assume few scenarios
Should I appear for AIPGMEE 2014 during the initial days of window?
In last year NEET-PG 2013 and AUG DNB exams, it has been observed that papers in the initial slots are not as tough as those from the later slots. Apart from this, the least amount of serious competition a person faces is on the first few days.So, taking AIPGMEE 2014 during initial days can be a good strategy. However, there are a few problems with this.
a) You do not know what the paper is like
Since you are among the first few to appear for the paper, you are the ones who are taking the highest risk. usually you would get less time for preparation plus you don't know what kind of questions appear (picture based clinical scenarios , importance of subjects,repeat questions from Kalam etc ) . Usually earlier dates are booked only if people don't get their preferred centre of choice for later dates. . So if you are booking the first session, You do not have any information on the difficulty level, surprises, general reaction and technical glitches etc. People in the later slots would be aware of most of these things and hence better prepared psychologically.
Since normalization takes into account difficulty level and presumably, initial days have lesser difficulty level; you need to score quite high to counter the reduction that normalization might bring to your score.
For example: Score that might be achieved with 50-51 questions in later slots might need 54-55 questions in initial slots assuming accuracy level of the participant to be same for both the slots.
On second hand if you are not prepared for the sudden announcement of AIPGMEE 2014 ( Ofcourse 99% will fall in this category) then it will be convenient for you to give exam in later dates...
But Please remember the later slots gets filled very fast.
We would generally advice anyone to select a date during the last week, but not the last 2 days. This would make sure that you have the best chance to maximize your score, get score in proportion to your actual potential/preparation and not become the victim of normalization.
Having said this, remember what matters the most is your preparation level despite all the normalization things been said by different experts. If your preparation is good and you are confident as well, then go ahead and challenge it . Remember Fortune favors the confident AND BRAVE individual with adequate knowledge .
In General , If I am a hard core PGI aspirant and also wanna crack AIPGMEE ,I will be preferring to take my AIPGMEE first and then give my best shot for NOV PGI 2013 so that I can take my PGI exams without any glitches.
If I am AIPGMEE aspirant
I will be avoiding the first day and the last two days .
With this, we wish everyone all the best and hope that you found this article helpful.
Best of Luck,
Dr D Arun Kumar
ADrPlexus Medical Coaching Centre
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